Saturday, October 25, 2008

Let Down Again!

“Oh my gosh, what in the world are you doing?” Christina asked. She could not believe that Chris was at home asleep when there are more important things going on that day.

“Uh, what do you mean?” Chris asked half asleep. He seemed to not know what he did wrong.

“You are at home SLEEPING when you are supposed to be up here with your son as he prepares for his second SURGERY.” Christina was trying to keep her cool since she was in public but she was having a hard time doing so.

“DO NOT raise your voice at me. I have tried to get a ride up there and no one can take me up there.” Chris shot back, now he was fully awake and on the defense again. It never failed Chris would screw up and Christina would find out and get mad at him and he would lie to cover up whatever he did.

“Well, if you had not wrecked the car this morning taking your buddy to work we wouldn’t be in this situation. You would be able to be here with your son when he needs you most. But, nnnoooo you chose to give up and take a nap cause you are tired. You know what, I am tired too. I have been at the hospital all night with our son and I have gotten very little sleep but I would not even think about going home and going to sleep. That is probably the most selfish thing that you could possibly do at this point. Why are you so dang selfish that you would rather sleep than be with your six-year-old son when he needs you most?” Christina was past pissed off by this point. She begins to wonder why she is with him especially with him being so selfish. Maybe she needs to rethink this relationship.

“I’m sorry Christina I don’t know what you want me to do. Nothing I do is ever good enough for you. I will try to get up there as fast as I can but I have to find a ride up there.” Chris replied back.

By this time all Christina could see was red. “I don’t care how you get up, I don’t care if you have to walk the 5 miles to get here, just freaking get here and at least pretend that you care for your son.” Christina slammed the phone down and gained her composure as she went back into the room where her son was waiting to go back into surgery.

“Mommy, is daddy coming up here?” Stephen asked.

“He is going to try baby.” Christina told him hoping that Chris would not let his son down.