Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My cloud results

The clock is about to hit 5 o’clock and Tanji can’t wait to get off work. She is going to have her first official date with John in three months. There will not be any kids around or any other stressors, just her and John to enjoy the evening. As soon as 5 0’clock comes Tanji leaves her crappy 8-5 job and rushes over to pick the kids up from daycare, grabs some happy meals from the local drive through and drops them off at her mom’s house.
“Ok boys, I love you and I want you to behave for Grandma. Now, come give be a big huge bear hug so I can get going,” Tanji says. Matthew, who is 2 years old, runs up to his momma and squeezes her neck as hard as he can. “Man, you are getting so strong Mr. Matthew!! Now, come here Ethan and squeeze my neck as hard as you can.” Ethan is a big boy for 8 years old and just as he runs up to give his mom a hug he plows her over like nothing. “Ethan,” she laughs “how in the world did you get so strong to knock your mom over?” she asked.
Now that the kids are situated at her mom’s Tanji halls butt to her house to get a quick shower and get all primped up before John shows up to take her out on their date. “What do I wear?” she asks herself. “Should I wear a dress, pants with a sweater, or jeans? I so hate trying to figure out what to wear!!!!” She is tries on five different outfits and finally decides on the first outfit she put on. She looks at the clock and realizes that John is going to be there in thirty minutes to get her. She puts it into hyper drive now to get ready. She dries her hair and then covers her head with hot rollers hoping that her hair will co-operate better tonight than it did this morning. While the rollers cool off, she tries some new make-up that she bought this past weekend just for tonight. “Okay, let’s see if I can make my face look like the ad in the magazine,” Tanji jokes to herself as she tries to make her eye shadow look like the celebrities in the magazine. Twenty minutes later and five eye-makeup redo’s she finally gets it right and her make-up looks awesome. “Crap, I have ten minutes to get my hair done. I so have to hurry the hell up so I don’t make John wait for me like usual.” Finally, with practically no time left Tanji puts on the final squirts of her perfume and is finally ready for her knight in shining armor to come and whisk her off of her feet.
Ding Dong. The doorbell rings and John is waiting at the door looking more handsome than ever. He is wearing a pair of khaki pants with a black dress shirt, both neatly pressed. He even has his hair pulled back into a ponytail for this magical event.
As soon as Tanji opens the front door John presents her with a dozen long-stemmed red roses intertwined with Baby’s Breath.
“You are so sweet,” she gushes. “You didn’t need to get me roses. They are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much!” She gives John a long passionate kiss and hug.
“Before we go to dinner I think that we need to have a serious talk,” John says to Tanji sounding quite upset.
“What is going on? Is everything okay?” she asks feeling her heart almost pounding out of her chest. She has never felt more nervous in her life. She isn’t quite sure if the butterflies in her stomach are good butterflies are really bad ones.
“You know I love you, right? I will do anything for you and the boys, and you know that.” He begins. “But, there is something that is just not right with our relationship.” The more into his speech he gets the more nervous he gets and his palms get sweatier with each passing second. Finally, he takes a big breath and decides to just go for it.
“What I am trying to say is…” he pauses just for a moment to gain his compsure and try not to let the tears out just yet. “Will you marry me?”
“WHAT?!?! Are you serious? I thought you were going to say it was splitsville for us!!” She exclaims. “Of course I will marry you!!” Now Tanji realizes what the butterflies in her stomach were. Once John is able to slide the ring onto her finger that get in his truck and head to the restaurant to enjoy their first meal as an engaged couple.