Thursday, November 20, 2008

Michaela and Sam

“Come on Sam,” Michaela yells, “Let’s go for a walk.” Sam comes running up behind her wagging his tail. Sam is Michaela most prized possession. On Michaela’s sixth birthday her parent’s got her Sam, he was only 6 weeks old at the time now he is full grown and 4 years old. “Mom, I’m gonna go take Sam for a walk, we’ll be back in 30 minutes. Is that cool?”

“Yea, that is fine. Just make sure that you are home before it gets dark. You know I don’t like you wonderin around by yourself after the sun sets.” Her mom yells down from the upstairs bedroom.

“Let’s go Sam!” Michaela exclaims. Michaela puts the leash on Sam and they run out the back door as fast as they can. They run out to the forest and Michaela pretends that she is a great warrior princess with her noble steed, Samuel the Great. They chase each other around the trees and under the bridge. Just as Michaela was rounding the last tree she runs straight into a tall, scruffy, strange man.

“Hello, little girl.” He sneers. “What are you doing out in the forest all by yourself? You have to be careful with who you meet in the forest. There are all kinds of crazy people out here.” His words send chills down Michaela’s back. She is frozen stiff with fear. What should she do? Should she scream, run, call for Sam what?

She decides to start running and just as she turns to run the creepy stranger grabs her by the hair, puts his hand over her mouth and takes her to the old abandoned house on the other side of the woods. Sam is following, running after them trying to get to Michaela.

When they finally make it into the house Sam is barking non-stop and trying to attack the stranger. “BACK OFF you Mangy mutt!” he yells at Sam. “Get back before I break your neck and send you to meet your maker.” Sam continues to bark in hopes that someone will hear him and come to the aid of Michaela. “Alright dog, I have had it!” The stranger pulls out his gun, aims it at Sam and…

“NO!!! “ Michaela screams. “Why did you kill my dog?” she runs over to Sam and hugs him hoping that it will bring him back.

“Now that I have some peace and quiet, I want you to come here.” He points to Michaela signaling for her to come to him.

“There is no way that I am going to let you hurt me!!” She yells.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” The man moves closer to Michaela with every word that he speaks.

Michaela looks around the abandoned house to see what she can use as a weapon. In the corner of her eye she sees half a brick. She proceeds to back up with caution as the man is approaching her. Just as he lunges at her she grabs the brick, as a great warrior princess would, and knocks the crap out of him right on his head. As he lays in a pool of his own blood Michaela gives her best friend one last kiss on the head and bolts out the front door and runs straight to her house to tell her mom what happened.

“Mom, Sam is dead and…” she begins.


Tom said...

It's a dark story, Amy, and you do good work with an eerie picture. Like a fairy tale, you let your character encounter wickedness, but don't leave her lost there.