Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Not long after the New Year Tanji is sitting at home with John and her children and loving the time that they are able to spend together. She has never been so happy with someone as she is with John. She knew that her Mr. Wright was out there she just hadn’t found him yet. Now, as she sits in her living room watching John play with her children everything seems perfect, and then the phone rings. She looks at the caller i.d. and then looks at John. He knows what that look means, Stephanie is calling.

“Hello,” Tanji answers somewhat hesitantly.

“Tanji, this is Stephanie. We need to talk now about what is going on.” Stephanie said.

“Yea we do. You go first.” Tanji suggested.

“How can you do this to me?! You are supposed to be my best friend and you go behind my back and have an affair with my husband? How low of a person are you to do something like this. I never did anything to you for you to treat me like this. I have always been there for you and you know that. I was with you when you and Chris split and when you had Matthew. I have been nothing but a good and true friend to you. How do you repay me? You decide to have an affair with my husband.” Stephanie is beginning to cry and has to put the phone down at one point to regain her composure.

“First, I did not do this to you! YOU brought this on yourself. You are the one that was out whoring around at lunch time with anyone and everyone that would take you. I was the one that would cover for you while you went and turned your tricks for free. Come to think of it, you have been acting like a free whore the whole time I have known you. Man, you must be so proud of yourself making sure that all the men at work had their sexual needs met. What were you doing for John during this time? Absolutely nothing!! John did everything for you in your marriage and you cannot appreciate that. Yea he is not able to work outside the home due to his recent back surgery but he did everything else around the house. When you would come home your house would be clean, right? The laundry would be done and when supper was ready you never had to go get it, John would bring it to you while you sat on the couch and watched TV. You have no idea how good of a thing you had. John came to me for advice on how to save the marriage. He honestly wanted it to work. Hell, y’all have been married for 17 years and you have two kids, it is a long time in a person’s life to just throw it away.” Tanji was getting extremely mad at this point, all she could see was red. This has been a long time coming and she was definitely ready for it.

“I may not have had the best marriage but you have no right coming into my marriage and taking my husband from his children.” Stephanie was extremely upset at this point. She had gone past the point of crying and was more towards the pissed off end.

“I do not have to justify my actions with you, Stephanie. I just have one question for you and then I am going to hang up the phone because I have nothing else to say to you. Did you even think of the marriages that you have damaged due to all of the time that you have spent on your back in the backseat of a car? The first thing you need to learn about marriage is to keep YOUR legs closed!! “ Tanji slams the phone down and heads outside to smoke a cigarette to regain her composure.

Should she feel guilty about what she is doing with John? She has always justified her action with what she is doing because of what Stephanie has done. Does that make it right? Well, that will be a decision to make on her next cigarette break, right now she needs to get back inside with John and her children.