Saturday, November 15, 2008

A hectic morning

I could feel a chill in the air as I walked towards the bank on my way to work. The wind picked up and the clouds were rolling in as fast as I had ever seen in the month of August. Clouds and wind are extremely uncommon this time of year in California. I had a feeling that I should not go into the bank but I needed to make a deposit in my account before I had overdraft charges. As I walked into the bank I could cut the tension in the air with a knife, a butter knife at that. Automatically, my heart started pounding so hard I just knew that everyone could hear it. As I approached the teller desk a man came from behind, wrapped his arm around my neck, and shoved a gun into my side. As I froze in terror he told me to do as he said or he would kill me. I tried to look around to see who all was in the bank, I saw a senior citizen couple, a mother and her young child, and several business men. When I saw the mother and her young child I knew that I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. In an instant I remembered the defensive training course I completed just over two years ago. I never thought I would actually have to use it. This was the perfect time to use what I had been taught. I went on the offense quickly without giving the bank robber a chance to think. I grabbed his arm that was around my neck and bit on it as hard as I could causing his automatic reaction to let go of me and check his arm. I was not about to stop now. I was so full of adrenaline I kept pulling every move I knew. The more I attacked him the more people were helping me to contain him until the police arrived. When the police arrived and were able to apprehend the criminal my body was completely drained of any and all energy. I was so ready to go home. I contacted my boss and let her know what happened and that I was not going to be in today. She told me to go home, get some rest and she would see me on Monday.