Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My cloud results

The clock is about to hit 5 o’clock and Tanji can’t wait to get off work. She is going to have her first official date with John in three months. There will not be any kids around or any other stressors, just her and John to enjoy the evening. As soon as 5 0’clock comes Tanji leaves her crappy 8-5 job and rushes over to pick the kids up from daycare, grabs some happy meals from the local drive through and drops them off at her mom’s house.
“Ok boys, I love you and I want you to behave for Grandma. Now, come give be a big huge bear hug so I can get going,” Tanji says. Matthew, who is 2 years old, runs up to his momma and squeezes her neck as hard as he can. “Man, you are getting so strong Mr. Matthew!! Now, come here Ethan and squeeze my neck as hard as you can.” Ethan is a big boy for 8 years old and just as he runs up to give his mom a hug he plows her over like nothing. “Ethan,” she laughs “how in the world did you get so strong to knock your mom over?” she asked.
Now that the kids are situated at her mom’s Tanji halls butt to her house to get a quick shower and get all primped up before John shows up to take her out on their date. “What do I wear?” she asks herself. “Should I wear a dress, pants with a sweater, or jeans? I so hate trying to figure out what to wear!!!!” She is tries on five different outfits and finally decides on the first outfit she put on. She looks at the clock and realizes that John is going to be there in thirty minutes to get her. She puts it into hyper drive now to get ready. She dries her hair and then covers her head with hot rollers hoping that her hair will co-operate better tonight than it did this morning. While the rollers cool off, she tries some new make-up that she bought this past weekend just for tonight. “Okay, let’s see if I can make my face look like the ad in the magazine,” Tanji jokes to herself as she tries to make her eye shadow look like the celebrities in the magazine. Twenty minutes later and five eye-makeup redo’s she finally gets it right and her make-up looks awesome. “Crap, I have ten minutes to get my hair done. I so have to hurry the hell up so I don’t make John wait for me like usual.” Finally, with practically no time left Tanji puts on the final squirts of her perfume and is finally ready for her knight in shining armor to come and whisk her off of her feet.
Ding Dong. The doorbell rings and John is waiting at the door looking more handsome than ever. He is wearing a pair of khaki pants with a black dress shirt, both neatly pressed. He even has his hair pulled back into a ponytail for this magical event.
As soon as Tanji opens the front door John presents her with a dozen long-stemmed red roses intertwined with Baby’s Breath.
“You are so sweet,” she gushes. “You didn’t need to get me roses. They are absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much!” She gives John a long passionate kiss and hug.
“Before we go to dinner I think that we need to have a serious talk,” John says to Tanji sounding quite upset.
“What is going on? Is everything okay?” she asks feeling her heart almost pounding out of her chest. She has never felt more nervous in her life. She isn’t quite sure if the butterflies in her stomach are good butterflies are really bad ones.
“You know I love you, right? I will do anything for you and the boys, and you know that.” He begins. “But, there is something that is just not right with our relationship.” The more into his speech he gets the more nervous he gets and his palms get sweatier with each passing second. Finally, he takes a big breath and decides to just go for it.
“What I am trying to say is…” he pauses just for a moment to gain his compsure and try not to let the tears out just yet. “Will you marry me?”
“WHAT?!?! Are you serious? I thought you were going to say it was splitsville for us!!” She exclaims. “Of course I will marry you!!” Now Tanji realizes what the butterflies in her stomach were. Once John is able to slide the ring onto her finger that get in his truck and head to the restaurant to enjoy their first meal as an engaged couple.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Michaela and Sam

“Come on Sam,” Michaela yells, “Let’s go for a walk.” Sam comes running up behind her wagging his tail. Sam is Michaela most prized possession. On Michaela’s sixth birthday her parent’s got her Sam, he was only 6 weeks old at the time now he is full grown and 4 years old. “Mom, I’m gonna go take Sam for a walk, we’ll be back in 30 minutes. Is that cool?”

“Yea, that is fine. Just make sure that you are home before it gets dark. You know I don’t like you wonderin around by yourself after the sun sets.” Her mom yells down from the upstairs bedroom.

“Let’s go Sam!” Michaela exclaims. Michaela puts the leash on Sam and they run out the back door as fast as they can. They run out to the forest and Michaela pretends that she is a great warrior princess with her noble steed, Samuel the Great. They chase each other around the trees and under the bridge. Just as Michaela was rounding the last tree she runs straight into a tall, scruffy, strange man.

“Hello, little girl.” He sneers. “What are you doing out in the forest all by yourself? You have to be careful with who you meet in the forest. There are all kinds of crazy people out here.” His words send chills down Michaela’s back. She is frozen stiff with fear. What should she do? Should she scream, run, call for Sam what?

She decides to start running and just as she turns to run the creepy stranger grabs her by the hair, puts his hand over her mouth and takes her to the old abandoned house on the other side of the woods. Sam is following, running after them trying to get to Michaela.

When they finally make it into the house Sam is barking non-stop and trying to attack the stranger. “BACK OFF you Mangy mutt!” he yells at Sam. “Get back before I break your neck and send you to meet your maker.” Sam continues to bark in hopes that someone will hear him and come to the aid of Michaela. “Alright dog, I have had it!” The stranger pulls out his gun, aims it at Sam and…

“NO!!! “ Michaela screams. “Why did you kill my dog?” she runs over to Sam and hugs him hoping that it will bring him back.

“Now that I have some peace and quiet, I want you to come here.” He points to Michaela signaling for her to come to him.

“There is no way that I am going to let you hurt me!!” She yells.

“I don’t want to hurt you.” The man moves closer to Michaela with every word that he speaks.

Michaela looks around the abandoned house to see what she can use as a weapon. In the corner of her eye she sees half a brick. She proceeds to back up with caution as the man is approaching her. Just as he lunges at her she grabs the brick, as a great warrior princess would, and knocks the crap out of him right on his head. As he lays in a pool of his own blood Michaela gives her best friend one last kiss on the head and bolts out the front door and runs straight to her house to tell her mom what happened.

“Mom, Sam is dead and…” she begins.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

What he wants

“Here it goes. I can feel it kicking in.” John said as he felt his lips beginning to go numb. He was so tired of being tired. All he wanted to do was live a normal life without any pain. He wanted all of his pain to go away, his physical pain, his emotional pain, all of it. He was so sick of fighting with his wife and his kids not listening to him when he told them to do something. What went wrong in his life that he deserved this type of situation? He was raised in a good Catholic home with morals and ethics, he had always been taught to treat a woman with respect and he did exactly that for the past 17 years of his marriage.
“I think that my wife is the devil, she has to be, why else would she treat me like a pile of crap?” he asked rhetorically as he looked at his 8-ball of cocaine. As he rolled the dollar bill up he made two more lines to snort. As the cocaine went up his nose he could feel his pain going away. He put the dollar bill on the mirror with the cocaine and sat back and relaxed as he felt the drop in the back of his throat. He grabbed a cigarette out of his crumpled pack, lit it, and enjoyed the feeling of no pain. What he had wanted was finally gone, for awhile anyways, he had no pain physically or mentally.

A hectic morning

I could feel a chill in the air as I walked towards the bank on my way to work. The wind picked up and the clouds were rolling in as fast as I had ever seen in the month of August. Clouds and wind are extremely uncommon this time of year in California. I had a feeling that I should not go into the bank but I needed to make a deposit in my account before I had overdraft charges. As I walked into the bank I could cut the tension in the air with a knife, a butter knife at that. Automatically, my heart started pounding so hard I just knew that everyone could hear it. As I approached the teller desk a man came from behind, wrapped his arm around my neck, and shoved a gun into my side. As I froze in terror he told me to do as he said or he would kill me. I tried to look around to see who all was in the bank, I saw a senior citizen couple, a mother and her young child, and several business men. When I saw the mother and her young child I knew that I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. In an instant I remembered the defensive training course I completed just over two years ago. I never thought I would actually have to use it. This was the perfect time to use what I had been taught. I went on the offense quickly without giving the bank robber a chance to think. I grabbed his arm that was around my neck and bit on it as hard as I could causing his automatic reaction to let go of me and check his arm. I was not about to stop now. I was so full of adrenaline I kept pulling every move I knew. The more I attacked him the more people were helping me to contain him until the police arrived. When the police arrived and were able to apprehend the criminal my body was completely drained of any and all energy. I was so ready to go home. I contacted my boss and let her know what happened and that I was not going to be in today. She told me to go home, get some rest and she would see me on Monday.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

John's belongings

· Soft pack of Marlboro Red’s with two cigarettes left, one half smoked already.
· Black Bic lighter almost out of fluid but still has enough for one more light.
· Cell phone to receive secret messages.
· Full package mint flavored Tic-Tacs for that fresh breath.
· Lottery ticket with the same losing numbers he has tried every week for the past five years.
· Wallet filled with pictures of kids and $2.00 in cash.
· Black ball-point pen in back pocket that has leaked all on back of his jeans.
· Package of Zig-Zags, unopened.

Tanji's background

Name: Tanji
Nickname: LouLou
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Looks: long brown hair, still has some baby fat from having a baby one year earlier.
Education: Graduated from high school but later dropped out of college
Vocation: Works for local cellular phone company
Status/money: Makes just enough to support herself and her two kids.
relationship: divorced but found true love with John.
family/ethnicity: Caucasian, has older brother, parents have been married 35 years
Places: dreams of going to Ireland
Possessions: Not much, just an apartment and a car, which her parents pay for.
Recreation/hobbies: doesn’t have a lot of free time for this but does enjoy going to car races at the local track.
Obsessions: Absolutely loves Johnny Depp and all of his films
Beliefs: everyone deserves a second chance
Politics: Total republican
Sexual history: a busy one that she is not proud of.
Ambitions: would love to be a Labor and Delivery Nurse someday
Religion: Christian
Superstitions: none
Fears: fear of failure, losing family
Attitudes: fairly laid back, but stay out of her way when she is mad, the Irish comes out in her.
Character flaws: Tries to give everyone the benefit of the doubt even if she knows that she shouldn’t. She can be way to trusting.
Character strengths: When she is with someone romantically or on a friend basis she is extremely loyal and would do anything for that person. She absolutely adores her children.
Pets: One annoying Chihuahua named Snoopy.
Taste in books/music: Spanish music and old rock and roll. Loves to read books about fights in the spiritual realm between good and evil.
Journal entries: never been big on journals, she thinks that she doesn’t have enough time.
Handwriting: somewhat large and very neat, leans slightly to the right.
Astrological sign: Pisces, and is so a perfect example of a Pisces.
Talents: very musically inclined. Loves to listen to all types of music. Enjoys playing the flute and the piano.
Friends: only has a few close friends, prefers a small group that a large amount of friends.
Relatives: Adopted when an infant, just recently met her birth mother, has older brother.
Enemies: keeps them closer than her friends.
As seen by others: as a bitch by people that do not know her, to the ones that do she is honest, warm, and has a good sense of humor.
As seen by self: overweight, not worthy of anyone loving her
Scars: One on back of head from falling of bleachers at a baseball game when she was a toddler. One on knee from falling on a nail in elementary school.
Tattoos, piercings: One tattoo on her hip that she got in high school during her crazy days. She has her ears pierced twice and a tongue ring.
Salary: 25,000/yr

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Not long after the New Year Tanji is sitting at home with John and her children and loving the time that they are able to spend together. She has never been so happy with someone as she is with John. She knew that her Mr. Wright was out there she just hadn’t found him yet. Now, as she sits in her living room watching John play with her children everything seems perfect, and then the phone rings. She looks at the caller i.d. and then looks at John. He knows what that look means, Stephanie is calling.

“Hello,” Tanji answers somewhat hesitantly.

“Tanji, this is Stephanie. We need to talk now about what is going on.” Stephanie said.

“Yea we do. You go first.” Tanji suggested.

“How can you do this to me?! You are supposed to be my best friend and you go behind my back and have an affair with my husband? How low of a person are you to do something like this. I never did anything to you for you to treat me like this. I have always been there for you and you know that. I was with you when you and Chris split and when you had Matthew. I have been nothing but a good and true friend to you. How do you repay me? You decide to have an affair with my husband.” Stephanie is beginning to cry and has to put the phone down at one point to regain her composure.

“First, I did not do this to you! YOU brought this on yourself. You are the one that was out whoring around at lunch time with anyone and everyone that would take you. I was the one that would cover for you while you went and turned your tricks for free. Come to think of it, you have been acting like a free whore the whole time I have known you. Man, you must be so proud of yourself making sure that all the men at work had their sexual needs met. What were you doing for John during this time? Absolutely nothing!! John did everything for you in your marriage and you cannot appreciate that. Yea he is not able to work outside the home due to his recent back surgery but he did everything else around the house. When you would come home your house would be clean, right? The laundry would be done and when supper was ready you never had to go get it, John would bring it to you while you sat on the couch and watched TV. You have no idea how good of a thing you had. John came to me for advice on how to save the marriage. He honestly wanted it to work. Hell, y’all have been married for 17 years and you have two kids, it is a long time in a person’s life to just throw it away.” Tanji was getting extremely mad at this point, all she could see was red. This has been a long time coming and she was definitely ready for it.

“I may not have had the best marriage but you have no right coming into my marriage and taking my husband from his children.” Stephanie was extremely upset at this point. She had gone past the point of crying and was more towards the pissed off end.

“I do not have to justify my actions with you, Stephanie. I just have one question for you and then I am going to hang up the phone because I have nothing else to say to you. Did you even think of the marriages that you have damaged due to all of the time that you have spent on your back in the backseat of a car? The first thing you need to learn about marriage is to keep YOUR legs closed!! “ Tanji slams the phone down and heads outside to smoke a cigarette to regain her composure.

Should she feel guilty about what she is doing with John? She has always justified her action with what she is doing because of what Stephanie has done. Does that make it right? Well, that will be a decision to make on her next cigarette break, right now she needs to get back inside with John and her children.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

By the Time...

By the time you read this~

~I will have five more gray hairs sprouting from my balding head.

~You will have lied about her for the 20th time.

~The geese will have flown South and returned home eight times.

~The car will have been in the repair shop for the third time for the exact sam problem.

~I will have forgiven you for the last time.

~The house will be empty and you will have nothing left.